Kyrosol Ear Wax Removal Kit
Product Description
The Kyrosol ear wax removal kit was developed to dissolve excess ear wax, soften ear wax plugs or to prevent the recurrence of ear wax plugs.
Kyrosol is also recommended for dissolving and flushing out hard, dry or impacted wax build ups.
Each Kyrosol single dose pipette contains glycerine - an excellent natural dissolver of eax wax and completely safe for use in applications that require contact with the skin or inner ear.The complete kit comprises of a tri-stream ear irrigator in a case, with 1 earplug to aid mobility during the 30 minutes treatment period.
Product Description
The Complete System to Flush out Hard, Dry or Impacted Wax Buildups. Dissolve Excess Ear Wax or Soften Ear Wax Plugs. Prevent the recurrence of ear wax plugs. Kyrosol was developed to dissolve excess ear wax, soften ear wax plugs, or to prevent the recurrence of ear wax plugs. Kyrosol is also recommended for dissolving and flushing out hard, dry, or impacted wax buildups. Each Kyrosol single does pipette contains glycerine - an excellent natural dissolver of ear wax and completely safe for use in applications that require contact with the skin or inside the ear. The patented rinsing system is designed for for optimum safety and effectiveness.
Case Pack 76